About us

SEEN in the City is a Sex Equality and Equity Network for Financial Services professionals committed to promoting and supporting sex equality and equity between women and men in our workplaces.  Our focus is on challenging sex discrimination and upholding rights and protections relating to sex.  These include the protections provided to those with the protected characteristics of sex, pregnancy and maternity and sexual orientation, as set out in the Equality Act 2010.  We recognise that to achieve this and ensure sex equality and equity sometimes requires treating women and men differently, according to our different rights and needs.

We are also committed to the protected belief (covered by the protected characteristic of religion and belief in the Equality Act 2010) that sex is binary and immutable, that sex matters for both women and men in our everyday lives, including for our rights and needs in the workplace, and that sex must not be conflated with, or replaced by, the concepts of gender or gender identity.

Our Aims

The law requires the rights of people with different protected characteristics and protected beliefs to be balanced in the workplace and we are committed to helping to achieve that balance.  We respect other’s beliefs, including beliefs regarding gender identity, and lack of belief in either gender identity or the importance of binary sex.  We aim to advocate to the private sector firms the importance of properly understanding, protecting and appropriately balancing everyone’s human rights in their workplaces.  

We want all employees in the UK private sector to feel safe to exercise their legal rights under the European Convention of Human Rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and association, provided they are done lawfully.  We want to help employers promote diversity of voices, open and respectful dialogue and tolerance between those with differing beliefs and experiences.  

We aim to be a source of expertise for all private sector employees on the protected characteristics of sex, pregnancy and maternity and sexual orientation.  We aim to be a voice that promotes the importance of taking these protected characteristics into account to meet City employees’ rights and needs.

SEEN in the City membership is open to all private sector employees in the UK who support our mission and share our values.

Our Members

Our members work at leading UK institutions, financial services and professional services firms.

Contact Us

If you are interested in joining our network you can get in touch here.

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